An Introduction to Ayn Rand’s Philosophy: Objectivism
Jun 30, 2012
For conference attendees who are fans of Ayn Rand but new to her philosophical system, Objectivism, we invite you to join ARI’s Objectivist Academic Center instructors for a new course specially designed for beginners. In each class, one of ARI’s experts will introduce an aspect of Rand’s philosophy and discuss its significance and application with attendees. Why is philosophy important? What makes up a philosophical system? What is Objectivism? How does it apply to your life? Sign up for one class or for the series—each day features a stand-alone class; the last session is an open Q&A with Onkar Ghate on Objectivism and philosophy in general.
Day 1: The nature of philosophy; metaphysics - Keith Lockitch
Day 2: Human nature and the source of moral values - Keith Lockitch
Day 3: Virtue - Doug Altner
Day 4: Individual rights and government - Doug Altner
Day 5: Reason and emotion - Onkar Ghate
Day 6: Open Q&A - Onkar Ghate
e-Store, 2013
- 57 mins
- Part 6 by Onkar Ghate
YouTube, 2014
- 61 mins
- Part 1 by Keith Lockitch