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Apollo and Dionysus

Ayn Rand

Presented at: FHF 1969 Apollo and Dionysus

Date: Nov 09, 1969

In this 1969 lecture delivered at Boston’s Ford Hall Forum, Ayn Rand contrasts two prominent events from that summer’s news: the Apollo 11 moon landing and the Woodstock music festival.  Using the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus as symbols of “the fundamental conflict of our age” — reason versus irrational emotion — Rand explores the mindsets of participants, commentators and spectators in search of the two events’ philosophical causes and meaning. 

In the Q&A session following the lecture, Rand expands on the subject matter of the lecture and also addresses such topics as the legalization of marijuana and other drugs, the “space race” and reasons for going to the moon, the morality of the Vietnam War and the war’s protesters, Rand’s view of her purpose in life, and government controls on pollution.

politicscurrent eventsculture

Parts: 1

Handout: none

About This Presentation


  • e-Store, 2018 (En) - 120 mins - Free MP3 download
  • Online, 2018 (En) - Text
  • Print, 1999 (En) - Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution
  • Print, 1971 (En) - The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution
  • Print, 1970 (En) - The Objectivist, December 1969-January 1970
  • Online, 2018 (En) - 120 mins - Audio with download
  • YouTube, 2020 (En) - 120 mins
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 120 mins