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Assault from the Ivory Tower: Professors' War on America

Leonard Peikoff

Presented at: FHF 1983 Assault from the Ivory Tower

Date: Apr 24, 1983

This lecture was delivered at Boston’s Ford Hall Forum on April 24, 1983, and covers why university professors are so hostile toward America.

current eventsculture

Parts: 1

Handout: none


  • Print, 1983 (En) - Pamphlet
  • Print, 1983 (En) - The Objectivist Forum (October-December 1983)
  • Print, 1988 (En) - The Voice of Reason
  • YouTube, 2018 (En) - 73 mins
  • e-Store, 2016 (En) - 73 mins
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 1229 mins - Includes 14 Ford Hall Forum talks