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Ayn Rand's Drafts: The Labors of a Literary Genius

Shoshana Milgram

Presented at: IRM 1998

Date: Jun 28, 1998

Producing a work of art, as Richard Halley tells Dagny in Atlas Shrugged, requires "a labor which makes a chain gang look like a rest and a severity no army-drilling sadist could impose." The hand-edited drafts of Ayn Rand's novels, preserved in the Library of Congress, show a literary genius laboring on her masterpieces––through selection, clarification, integration, and the substitution of implicit for explicit statements. These two lectures take a fascinating look at the development that certain scenes inThe Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged went through-in particular, scenes involving philosophical speeches and romantic encounters.

literaturehistory of objectivism

Parts: 2

Handout: none


  • e-Store, 2012 (En) - 180 mins
  • Tape, 2000 (En)