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Debate 1984, Pre-Show Interview with Sandra Shaw

Elan Journo, Sandra Shaw

Presented at: New Ideal Live

Date: Apr 23, 2021

In the legendary 1984 debate against socialists Jill Vickers and Gerald Caplan, the team of Leonard Peikoff and John Ridpath defended capitalism against their opponents’ criticisms and roundly refuted the socialists.

ARI is delighted to showcase this illuminating debate on YouTube and to bring it to the attention of a new generation of viewers. The remastered video will be premiered this Friday and hosted on ARI’s YouTube channel by permission of the copyright holder, Sandra Shaw.

Miss Shaw, who organized the debate in 1984, was a student of Dr. Ridpath’s at York University in Toronto. She has graciously agreed to join Elan Journo for a live pre-show interview about the debate.

history of objectivism

Parts: 1

Handout: none
