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Discussing the Factual Basis of Values

Ben Bayer, Harry Binswanger

Presented at: Discussing the Factual Basis of Values with Harry Binswanger ARI 2020

Date: Mar 17, 2020

Prominent secular thinkers are starting to realize that to create a more rational culture, it is not enough merely to criticize religion. Religious faith has many problems, but the more honest religious believers embrace their creed because they see it as the only possible source of moral guidance. To move on from religion, they also need to see the possibility of a secular source of moral guidance.

To get a better handle on a rational approach for solving (or dissolving) this problem, I sat down to chat with Dr. Harry Binswanger. 

history of philosophyethicsvalues

Parts: 1

Handout: none


  • YouTube, 2020 (En) - 53 mins
  • Online, 2020 (En) - 53 mins - Soundcloud audio