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Friendship: Who Needs It --Aristotle and Objectivism on the Value of Friendship

Kris Barnett

Presented at: OCON 2009

Date: Jul 03, 2009

In his writings on friendship, Aristotle holds that being virtuous and loving oneself is a prerequisite to true friendship. Aristotle believes that a friend is “another self” or a mirror of oneself, and that having this other self makes it easier to think and to act. Unlike Aristotle, Ayn Rand did not write a philosophical treatment of friendship, but her portrayal of friendship in her fiction writing is a rich source for understanding her views.

This class examines similarities and differences between Aristotle’s and Rand’s portrayal of friendship, and considers common confusions about the value of friendship, such as its alleged incompatibility with the virtue of independence. Through the comparison of these great thinkers’ views, students will acquire a clearer and richer understanding of the nature and objective value of friendship in their own lives.

objectivismrelationshipshistory of philosophy

Parts: 4

Handout: none


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