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Going Beyond the "Bell Curve": Making the Most of Your Thinking Ability with Focused Thinking

Lee Pierson

Presented at: OOC 2001

Date: Oct 26, 2001

Why do we use only a fraction of our thinking abilities and what can we do to use more? Not surprisingly, studies have found that intelligence (even as measured crudely by IQ) is a major determinant of job and school performance, especially in more complex jobs. But it is activated intelligence that directly impacts performance, not mere potential, and focused thinking (sufficient thinking about the key issues of a situation to resolve them satisfactorily) is required for activating intelligence optimally. Focused thinking is not achieved by simply trying harder. This lecture will show you when and how to refocus your thinking (identify and bridge important gaps in it) so that you can stay focused and develop the mental flexibility and toughness required for unlocking more of your thinking potential whenever you need it: at school, on the job, and elsewhere.


Parts: 1

Handout: none


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