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My Thirty Years With Ayn Rand: An Intellectual Memoir

Leonard Peikoff

Presented at: FHF 1987 My Thirty Years With Ayn Rand

Date: Apr 26, 1987

In 1951, when he was just a teenager, Leonard Peikoff visited Ayn Rand in her home, at her invitation. This was the beginning of a friendship and professional association that would last until Rand’s death in 1982. In this 1987 lecture delivered at Boston’s Ford Hall Forum, Peikoff offers personal insights into the real Ayn Rand—the thinker, the artist, the teacher, the passionate valuer of the best within man.

history of objectivism

Parts: 1

Handout: none


  • Print, 1987 (En) - The Objectivist Forum (June 1987)
  • Print, 1988 (En) - The Voice of Reason
  • Print, 1987 (En) - Pamphlet
  • YouTube, 2018 (En) - 80 mins
  • e-Store, 2012 (En) - 81 mins
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 1229 mins - Includes 14 Ford Hall Forum talks
  • CD, 2000 (En) - 85 mins - 2 CD set