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Politics, Liberty and Objectivism

Onkar Ghate, Gregory Salmieri

Presented at: AynRandCon 2017

Date: Nov 03, 2017

It’s more difficult than most people realize to properly conceptualize and understand different political views, terms, theories and groups. For instance, are socialism and fascism opposites? Do the terms “left” and “right” as used today in the U.S. define a political spectrum? What do liberalism, conservatism and libertarianism refer to? This talk summarizes some of the important questions to answer to form genuine political principles, and summarizes Objectivism’s own distinct approach to political philosophy.


Parts: 1

Handout: none


  • YouTube, 2018 (En) - 15 mins - Part 2 - Onkar Ghate
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 15 mins - Part 2
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 18 mins - Part 1
  • YouTube, 2018 (En) - 18 mins - Part 1 - Gregory Salmieri