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Part I, Chapter 4: The Immovable Movers

Ben Bayer, Gregory Salmieri

Presented at: The Atlas Project

Date: Sep 27, 2017

Greg Salmieri and Ben Bayer discuss the following questions for Part I, Chapter 4, of Atlas Shrugged: “The Immovable Movers.”

  • Question 1: What is Dagny looking for in the first sequence of events in the chapter? Where else earlier in the novel have we seen signs that other people need this?
  • Question 2: What sorts of things give James pleasure?
  • Question 3: What themes do we see in the music of Richard Halley? How do they relate to the motivations of the characters we’ve met?
  • Question 4: How do Conway, Dagny, Wyatt, and Rearden respond to the passage of the Anti-dog-eat-dog Rule, and what explains the differences?
  • Question 5: What new observations does Dagny make about Rearden and what questions does she formulate about him during her visit to his office?
  • Question 6: What other questions and observations do you have about Part I, Chapter 4?


Parts: 1

Handout: none
