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Part I, Chapter 6: The Non-Commercial

Ben Bayer, Gregory Salmieri

Presented at: The Atlas Project

Date: Oct 11, 2017

Greg Salmieri and Ben Bayer discuss the following questions for Part I, Chapter 6, of Atlas Shrugged: “The Non-Commercial”

  • Question 1: How does Rearden try to make sense of his paralysis about going to his anniversary party, and his dilemma about his family obligations in general?
  • Question 2: What are some common themes in the remarks of the intellectual and cultural leaders at the party?
  • Question 3: Does Rearden have a positive emotional response to anything at the party? Of the others at the party, whose responses are like Rearden’s, and whose are unlike Rearden’s?
  • Question 4: Why is Rearden’s encounter with Francisco so meaningful to Rearden? How is this meaning incongruous with Rearden’s view of Francisco’s character?
  • Question 5: Why did Rearden marry Lillian? What drives him to enter her bedroom on the night of the party, and then to leave without touching her?
  • Question 6: What other questions and observations do you have about Part I, Chapter 6?


Parts: 1

Handout: none
