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Part I, Chapter 9: The Sacred and the Profane

Ben Bayer, Gregory Salmieri

Presented at: The Atlas Project

Date: Nov 01, 2017

Greg Salmieri and Ben Bayer discuss the following questions for Part I, Chapter 9, of Atlas Shrugged: “The Sacred and the Profane.”

  • Question 1: In the first scene, why does Rearden condemn Dagny and himself, and why does she respond as she does?
  • Question 2: What is Jim looking for (or trying to get away from) as he walks the streets of Manhattan, and how does Cherryl Brooks help?
  • Question 3: What can we tell about what motivates Mr. Mowen from his conversation with the day laborer?
  • Question 4: What features of Wisconsin and its inhabitants do Dagny and Rearden notice, and how do they react to them, and why?
  • Question 5: How do Dagny and Rearden each react to the discovery of the abandoned motor? What accounts for their reactions?
  • Question 6: What other questions and observations do you have about Part I, Chapter 9?


Parts: 1

Handout: none
