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Part III, Chapter 6: The Concerto of Deliverance

Ben Bayer, Gregory Salmieri

Presented at: The Atlas Project

Date: Mar 14, 2018

Greg Salmieri and Ben Bayer discuss the following questions for Part III, Chapter 6, of Atlas Shrugged: “The Concerto of Deliverance.”

  • Question 1: . What new realizations does Rearden reach about himself and his family during his visit with them? How do these realizations bear on the decisions Rearden makes in the chapter?
  • Question 2: This chapter marks Lillian’s last appearance in the novel. What do we and Rearden now understand about her motivation? Are there any outstanding questions about her?
  • Question 3: What new realizations does Rearden reach during his meeting at the Wayne-Falkland Hotel? What is the significance of each of these realizations to him?
  • Question 4: How has Tony (the Wet Nurse) grown since we first met him? Does he develop in this chapter? What is the significance of his final scene?
  • Question 5: What role does Francisco (including Rearden’s memories of him) play in this chapter?
  • Question 6: What other questions or observations do you have about Part III, Chapter 6?


Parts: 1

Handout: none
