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Plato's Laws

Robert Mayhew

Presented at: OCON 2007

Date: Jul 06, 2007

"Is it a god or some human who is given the credit for laying down your laws?" So begins Plato's last and longest dialogue, the Laws. In the Republic, Plato created his ideal political community, wherein philosopher-kings ruled absolutely. Years later, in the Laws, he described in detail what he claimed is the second best city—one ruled not by philosophers but by laws. In this course, we'll expand our knowledge of Plato's philosophy through a close look at this neglected work. As one might expect, given the opening line of the dialogue, the main concerns of the Laws are political philosophy and religion—and the connection between the two. Special attention is paid to Book 10 of the Laws, which contains Plato's arguments for the existence of gods and his account of what a good city ought to do with atheists.


Parts: 3

Handout: none


  • e-Store, 2012 (En) - 264 mins
  • CD, 2007 (En) - 264 mins - 6 CD set