Psychological Self-Defense: Avoiding the "Sanctioning of the Victim" Trap
Jul 07, 2001
Whether dealing with an underhanded brother, a deviously critical mother, a deliberately incomprehensible professor, or an envious co-worker, how do you resist the tendency to "keep the peace"—to "forgive" them, to make excuses for them, to apologize for the good within you? How do you remain morally true to yourself? How do you avoid granting them the "sanction of the victim"? Dr. Kenner provides a how-to course on interacting with intentionally manipulative people. She explains the subtle methods by which they gain psychological footholds. And she teaches you how to maintain your integrity, pursue your happiness, and navigate safely through their traps.
Tape, 2005
- 360 mins
- Second Renaissance 5 tape set