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The American School: Why Johnny Can't Think

Leonard Peikoff

Presented at: FHF 1984 The American School: Why Johnny Can't Think

Date: Apr 15, 1984

Alarmed at the state of American education, as indicated by plummeting test scores and the failure to keep up with other countries in math and science, philosopher Leonard Peikoff spent two weeks visiting the best schools in New York City, searching for answers. In this 1984 lecture delivered at Boston’s Ford Hall Forum, Peikoff draws on his experiences and research in offering his own perspective on “why Johnny can’t think.”


Parts: 1

Handout: none

About This Presentation


  • Print, 1984 (En) - The Objectivist Forum (October-December 1984)
  • Print, 1988 (En) - The Voice of Reason
  • Print, 1984 (En) - Pamphlet
  • YouTube, 2018 (En) - 89 mins
  • e-Store, 2012 (En) - 90 mins
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 1229 mins - Includes 14 Ford Hall Forum talks