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Theories Of Happiness: The Intrinsic and the Subjective vs. the Objective

Onkar Ghate

Presented at: IRM 1996

Date: Jun 29, 1996

The purpose ofphilosophy is to give one the knowledge needed to achieve happiness. Yet for the most part, philosophers have defaulted on this task. To understand why, this course looks at some of the major figures in the history of ethics. It discusses how the false dichotomy of intrinsicism vs. subjectivism in epistemology has led in ethics to a hopeless choice between sacrificial duty and mindless hedonism. By contrast, Ayn Rand's advocacy of objectivity in epistemology makes possible the detailed advices he has to offer in the field of ethics. In particular, Mr. Ghate examines how several principles of Objectivism are crucial tools in the achievement of happiness

history of philosophyepistemologyethics


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