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What to Do About Crime

Leonard Peikoff

Presented at: FHF 1995 What to Do About Crime

Date: Apr 23, 1995

In this lecture, philosopher Leonard Peikoff addresses the problem of crime, exploring the traits that criminals have in common and examining their cultural origins. Social scientists have sought to explain the dramatic rise in crime rates by reference to other cultural phenomena such as TV violence, drugs, poverty, peer pressure, and urbanization. Unsatisfied by these explanations, Peikoff takes a wider, philosophical perspective: “Perhaps, after all, you need to understand something about values and human nature in order to understand and cope with crime.”

philosophy of law

Parts: 1

Handout: none


  • Print, 1995 (En) - Pamphlet via TIA Publishing
  • Print, 1994 (En) - The Intellectual Activist (November 1994)
  • YouTube, 2018 (En) - 101 mins
  • e-Store, 2018 (En)
  • Campus, 2018 (En) - 1229 mins - Includes 14 Ford Hall Forum talks