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Part II, Chapters 9-15

A 71 minute YouTube publication from Jan 01, 2020 by Keith Lockitch, Ben Bayer

YouTube, 2020

Duration 71 mins

Notes none

Primary language: English


Discussion questions for this session:

1. Ellsworth Toohey is viewed as a great benefactor by many of the people who flock to him (whether Keating, Catherine, or others described in Part II, Chapter 9). In light of the advice he gives, do you think they are correct to view him this way?

2. What does the Stoddard Temple symbolize to Roark, to Dominique, to Toohey? What does its transformation at the end of Part II symbolize to Toohey?

3. Neither Catherine nor Keating seem to be happy, in spite of the fact that they are doing what they want to do in life. Why do they both seem to meet with this outcome, even though they are living very different lives?

4. Roark is seen by many as uncaring and selfish. How do his relationships with his employees and friends confirm or challenge that view of him? How does his affair with Dominique fit with the view?

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