Dr. Peikoff's forthcoming book, "The DIM Hypothesis," identifies three different modes of integration, i.e., of interrelating concretes, such as individual percepts, facts, choices, etc. The book then demonstrates the power of these three modes in shaping Western culture and history.
In his lectures, Dr. Peikoff presents and explains six of the chapters in his twelve-chapter book. The first three, dealing with epistemology, explain why there are only three possible interpretations of integration (symbolized by the acronym DIM), and which philosopher is the source of each. The second three illustrate the power of the DIM hypothesis to reveal the anatomy of Western culture, by considering the trends prevalent in literature, education and politics since the Renaissance.
Students will receive well in advance a highly detailed outline of the material. Each lecture will be followed by a question-and-answer period.
Retroactively titled "DIM Hypothesis I", with Part 2 delivered at
OCON 2010