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Issues in Education

A 29 minute Soundcloud publication from Jun 01, 2014 by Ayn Rand

Soundcloud, 2014

Notes none

Primary language: English


In this radio interview from the 1960s, Rand offers a philosopher's perspective on a wide variety of education-related topics. Particular questions that she addresses include: 

  • What should be the main objectives of education?
  • What explains why the current public education system is such a disaster?
  • How would the poor be educated under laissez faire capitalism?
  • How can grade school educators teach children to be independent thinkers?
  • Are racially integrated schools essential to any educational system?
  • How would children be "socialized" under laissez-faire capitalism?
  • Should the state interfere with how parents choose to educate their children?
  • When should a parent start answering his child with "do this because" instead of "do this."?
  • How can parents protect their children against improper influences such as salacious literature or bad playmates?
  • At what point does the parent's right to choose his child's method of education end?

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